
We welcome all Dragons to reminisce, honor, and celebrate the legacy that has shaped countless lives over the past 100 years. Explore interactive timelines, nostalgic photo galleries, and heartwarming stories shared by alumni, faculty, and friends. Together, let's commemorate a century of growth, learning, and community spirit at YIS. Here's to the next 100 years of success and beyond!

Message from the Head of School

It has been a great honor for Yokohama International School to serve its community for 100 years. It started from humble beginnings in a rented room in the local YMCA with only half a dozen young students and has grown into a school of over 800 students, learning at the purpose built facility we have today. The school has seen much growth, development and change over the past century, however it still holds true to the value of building a community where people feel they can connect to and belong.

The 2024 / 2025 school year will be the 100th year since the founding of Yokohama International School and we are excited to see many events and celebrations that will bring people together from all over the world and provide an opportunity to celebrate and pay tribute to the school and the people that have shaped our lives through connections with YIS. I hope that people will take advantage of the opportunity to be part of the celebrations or even just connect with others through their relationship with YIS. This website will host information so people can see events that are happening and it will also act as a space to collect old photos or memories to be shared that will add to the occasion.  

We look forward to meeting some of you at events throughout the year and we want to thank you for your contributions and support over the years to make this the school it is today. 

And remember....Once a Dragon, Always a Dragon!

Message from the Alumni Association

Welcome fellow Dragons to the 100th Anniversary Website!

Our School will be celebrating it's centenarian milestone this year and there are many exciting activities planned around the
2024 / 2025 school year to celebrate. The Alumni Association Launching Committee (AALC) is working closely with the School to help alumni celebrate this milestone and enjoy their reunions in Yokohama.

In parallel with the School’s 2024 Centennial Events in October, the AALC is organizing numerous alumni activities that we hope you can be a part of including: an alumni centennial reunion at YCAC; producing the Centennial Chowa Special Edition, and an alumni centennial panel discussion. 

If you are an alumni and would like to help with any of the events or projects being planned by the AALC please complete this form to register your interest. We look forward seeing you in October 2024!


Opening: Concert & Cocktails
Friday, October 25, 2024
YIS Auditorium & Cafeteria

Tickets go on sale Saturday, June 1 at 9:00 am JST
*This event is recommended for adults and children above the age of 10 years old.

Sports Day
Saturday, October 26, 2024
YIS Field & Gym

To register your interest in taking part click here.

Centenary Dinner
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Westin Yokohama, Iron Bay Grill Restaurant

Tickets go on sale Saturday, June 1 at 9:00 am JST
*This event is for adults only

YIS Birthday Picnic Day
Sunday, October 27, 2024
YIS Field

In-School Grade-Level Celebrations
Monday, October 28, 2024

Various Alumni Events  
Thursday, October 24 - Saturday, October 26 2024

To register your interest in attending alumni organized events click here.